Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Phylgebrics Teachers, Mr. Banks (Algebra 2) and Dr. T (Physics), sporting moustaches on the Stuntkid Presentation Day

Main Entry: mous·tach·es
Function: Noun
: a strip of hair above the upper lip. Also, an example of presentation flair (a prop that helps inspire students during presentations).
Eatamology: Eaten out of my co-teacher, Mr. Banks brain. The moustaches matched the Stuntkid theme of our Stuntkid project. He started buying moustaches in preparation for presentation day – so I matched his purchases so all our students could present with moustaches.
Date: First purchase date: 10/31 or 11/1/09 Presentation dates: 11/4/09-11/5/09

Banks and I have lots of brainstorming sessions where lots of crazy ideas are proposed, discarded, polished, etc. I thought the moustache idea was just going to be one of our crazy daydream ideas until Banks starting buying moustaches. It turns out that they weren’t that expensive at Party City.

The kids kept asking if it would be extra-credit to wear moustaches. We did not give out extra-credit for wearing moustaches because the moustaches were not about grades. They were about having more fun while presenting. Some of the students wore the moustaches throughout the day and it created a positive buzz throughout the school. By mid-day, our principal was wearing a moustache. Some students improvised and used the moustaches to create goaties, large eyebows, and unibrows.

It was a silly idea – that turned out to be brilliant. So far, I think the Stuntkid presentations are the best presentations I’ve ever facilitated because of the mustaches and another strategy (which I will describe in a future blog entry).

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